The work done before the tile installation needs to be precise and effective to ensure any water that makes it past the tile and grout goes down the drain and not into your walls and subfloor. This can cause major damage to your home! Most people and sadly even some contractors believe that tile and grout are waterproof, however, that is not the case. If steps are skipped during the preparation of the shower and waterproofing, you could find yourself with a leaking shower.
Unfortunately, many of our clients call us after they start to notice excessive mildew growing on their grout joints or see damage to the sheetrock or baseboard directly next to their new shower. This is often the result of a shower not properly prepared for tile installation. Unfortunately, if you can see water damage from a leaking shower, in most cases the only fix is a complete remodel. It can sometimes take years for a leaky shower to show itself on the surface, meanwhile, the damage is taking place inside the walls.
There are multiple acceptable and TCNA (Tile Council of N. America) approved ways to prepare a shower for tile installation. We are familiar with all of them and depending on your tile choice, location, and budget we will always use one of the approved and time-tested methods for shower tile installation and waterproofing. Many of the materials manufacturers offer great warranties when using their complete product line and we are happy to help you register for the warranty.
Building a shower is like making a cake. You cannot skip steps and expect it to be beautiful and delicious. Some people can make a tasty cake but the presentation is poor, on the other hand, some might make their cake look good on the outside, but the taste leaves a lot to be desired! Just like it takes a real professional to bake both a good-looking and delicious cake, it also takes a real professional to build a functional and beautiful tiled shower.
When considering a large investment like a tiled shower, we urge you to take your time when choosing both the tile itself and the contractor you will hire. Take into consideration these 5 points.
- Does the contractor specialize in shower tile installation?
- What materials are being used for the waterproofing of the substrate?
- Will a Flood Test be performed on the shower pan?
- Does the manufacturer of the installation products offer a warranty?
- Does the contractor offer a warranty on the workmanship?

Curbless Showers Antelope Valley
Barrier-free showers are convenient and can look astonishing in the right bathroom, it’s easy to see why they are increasing in popularity with designers, builders, and homeowners.
We have been installing a lot of these curbless showers recently and are happy to discuss installing one in your home. Here are a few things to consider when contemplating a barrier-free shower in your home.
Easier to clean
Barrier-free showers are much easier to keep clean. Eliminating corners inside your shower is always a good idea when it comes to wanting to eliminate cleaning nightmares. Kicking that curb to the… well curb…. (see what I did there? haha) will result in a slick modern look as well as one less annoying grime and soap scum catcher.
Which method of construction will work best for your shower?
There are multiple ways to accomplish a curbless shower and not all of them will work in every circumstance. Depending on the subfloor we can either drop the floor framing or cut out the concrete and drop the new concrete pour. However, in some cases, we will not be able to cut into the concrete or recess the wooden subfloor. In these instances we can discuss ramping up to the shower, raising the subfloor outside of the shower.
Should you consider creating a “Wet Room”?
In some cases turning your bathroom into a “wet room” (popular in Europe) will be very advantageous and is a worthwhile consideration. The main advantage here is peace of mind when it comes to water and potential water damage, especially on a second floor or for smaller bathrooms, on the other hand, if you have a large master bathroom with a stand-alone bathtub as well as a shower, you might find yourself hopping straight into the shower after a long soak in your tub. In any case, you do not want to find yourself in a situation where excess water is finding its way into your subfloor joists creating havoc and potential long-term expensive issues.
Drain location and type
Depending on circumstances we might have lots of options when it comes to your shower drain.
When it comes to barrier-free showers with no curb, extra thought needs to go into the location and sometimes even the style of your drain. In some cases we might need to install a linear drain right at the entrance of your shower, in other cases, we might choose to install the linear drain against the back wall. We could also install a traditional 4” drain right in the center if the construction of the subfloor allows. (We would need extra space under the subfloor to accomplish this.)
Wheelchair accessible
Often we are installing barrier-free showers for folks who are very mobile but due to the fact that a properly constructed shower will last a lifetime, they are thinking far into the future and making decisions based on not wanting to go through a bathroom remodel due to an unexpected accident or old age. Along those same lines of reasoning, we always recommend taking the extra time to install backing inside the wall to accommodate the installation of grab bars in the future.
So whether you are considering a barrier-free curbless shower for looks or practicality, give us a call today and we will be happy to schedule an in-home consultation to discuss your specific needs, wants, and reality of constructing a new shower.
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